site information
about 'intensity'
Intensity was opened on August 01, 2010. I had been playing around with the idea of a tribute for Elliot for quite some time, and when the Live Action Shrine Marathon was announced at the Amassment LJ community, I knew it would be the push I needed to finally get started on this site. Elliot is one of my favorite television characters ever, from one of my favorite series ever, so the drive to create a dedication for him was definitely there. I knew it might not the best subject, since SVU is such an extensive series and I knew I could not include everything there is to know about Elliot. But I still love him very much and have a lot to say about him, so lo and behold, Intensity was born!The current layout is version 2 and was uploaded on October 08, 2015. (If you'd like to see the previous version, here is a screencap.) It was designed in PSP9 and coded in Notepad. Credits for resources used can be found here. I chose the title "Intensity", because Elliot is a very intense man (thank you, Captain Obvious). He has a lot of intense emotions and facial expressions, and I also couldn't help but think of this quote:
That being said, I did think about making it "Brooding Intensity", but I eventually decided to just go with "Intensity", as that seems a bit more serious. Heh. I also must mention that there is an in-series video game called Intensity, which is a lot like GTA. It was mentioned in the episode "Game"."Sometimes all that brooding intensity is just annoying."
- M.E. Warner, "Fault"
link us
If you would like to link back to Intensity, please feel free! And of course, many thanks. :) A text link works just fine, or if you want to use a button, there are a couple provided below. Set your link to:

Thank you to Saya, Todd and Sofia for their button donations as a part of the Amassment banner trade meme! ♥
links out
Please check out these sites for more information on SVU and Elliot.• Official site @ NBC.Com
• SVU @ IMDb
• SVU @ USA Network

Intensity is always open for affiliation or link exchanges with other television character/relationship tributes. Please email me if you are interested in such an exchange.