in new york city

Hello there, and welcome to Intensity. This is a tribute to Elliot Stabler, a main character from the gripping procedural drama, Law & Order Special Victims Unit. SVU is a spin-off of Dick Wolf's long-running series Law & Order, the esteemed crime series in which a velvety-smooth voice opens each episode and where you can hear the famous "doink-doink". The detectives in the Special Victims Unit deal with sex crimes, ranging from rape to pedophilia, and seek justice for those who were wronged in the worst of ways. Elliot Stabler is one of these detectives, a rough-around-the edges man who is totally committed to his job.

Please be aware that this is not meant to be a super-informative tribute. Elliot appears in over 200 episodes, so including every little detail on him would be a bit too daunting for me. Still, I do think there is enough here to be satisfactory and also, to show my love for the man who rocks at being a bad-ass good guy. Navigation is above, to the right of the main image. Please enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments related to the site. Thank you for visiting!

Updated October 08, 2015

part of // listed at Amassment and Flesh for Fantasy
Live Action Shrine Marathon Participant
September 2012 Shrine Spotlight @ Amassment!

DISCLAIMER: Elliot Stabler, Law & Order SVU and all related names are copyright © NBC Universal. No infringement intended. Intensity copyright © Sarah (of and is a non-profit, fan-made website.

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